Welcome to my journal!!

This is where i will write personal updates, mostly unrelated to the website itself/the progress of it.

Entry 1: 10/01/2023

currently, i have been rather bogged down with not work, but depression! yippee! /sar i have managed an appointment to get my meds sorted. besides that, my grandmother has breast cancer but we are hopefully on top of that and will have it sorted without issue. besides THAT, i uh. yeah! thats explanation for my absence!

life occurrences aside, i had to get my ipad replaced under warranty and waited a month to be able to draw upload-worthy art again. i was so bored leMME TELL YA HWHAT and with load shedding?? (ie. government mandated electricity outtages at scheduled times, for non-south african visitors) i have not been able to draw digitally very much at all till recently. uwa uwa.

Hoping to also get to working on my own species but also more on this site soon!! im learning with html slowly but surely!